Sunday, August 17, 2014

August 17, 2014

It's as though I went away and came back . . .

I'll try again. Life has changed: I'm married. I'm older. I'm financially challenged (not really new). I/we survived The Winter of 2014 (some didn't, I'm sure).

The world around us continues with all its turbulence, and as much as that challenges all of us, it is strangely necessary. Savages beheading children in Iraq - and filming it. The continuing growth of police overstepping their boundaries, while their militarization - in no small part due to the Pentagon - only exacerbates the situation. Daily senseless gun shootings. The continued abuse of our planet - by ALL of us. Racism/ignorance/gullibility dominating our political arena. Senseless killing of innocents in the Gaza Strip. It seems that Nero is tuning his fiddle off in the corner somewhere . . . civilizations, they come and they go, doncha know.

But this path o' mine continues, with the aforementioned variations. I still create, and that is in no small part what keeps me on this path, thankful for the blessings that accommodate those challenges. And the blessings are plentiful: a beautiful wife, two thriving sons, a family that supports, two dogs, a NEW family . . . the list goes on.

OK, so wha's new? My cartoons/drawings are finally seeing the light of day, thanks to Michael Miller and the people at Toledo Free Press. They can be seen weekly (space allowing) and the paper comes out every Friday.

Here's a few samples:

A lot of these are now available as blank greeting cards, package of 5, w/envelopes.

For some reason I am quite fond of this one:

the night was constellatious
from what I can recall
I felt no inhibitions
no holding back at all.
it could've been the night breeze
it could've been the wine
it could've been the time & date
that made the stars align.
still the night was constellatious
Orion, Pisces, the Bear
whatever was the reason
I'm glad that I was there.

Some more recent work:

Cuppa Light: The 1 With No Ears Don't Even Know what he's Yellin' About


Cuppa Light: The Older I Get, The Colder I Get

Cyclops Ringholder #2

Fish Clock

Virtual Aquarium

A Relatively Useless Basket

I'm feelin' a bit rejuvinated, partly because I am o so aware of the Great Enemy, Time.

Time to work. 

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