Saturday, April 25, 2015

I tried to walk Ghoti at least once a day, around the block, at the park or any field I could let him run in. He wore a collar and leash maybe ten times in his life, due to the fact that he would listen to me, and respond accordingly. The mailman, Julian, was deadly afraid of his large, black, bulk, and would refuse repeatedly to deliver mail if Ghoti was sitting on the porch. Julian didn't realize that Ghoti would do no harm, and I went through many battles, not only with Julian, but with the local post office. Yeah, they were right, but I just wanted to let them know. Julian eventually came to know Ghoti, and they greeted each other whenever Ghoti was outside.

When we walked I would call him by many different names, for no reason whatsoever, other than as terms of affection. He never seemed to be confused, but would respond.

Below is a partial list of some of Ghoti's a.k.a.'s:

- Morvelda

- Pooka Dooka Doo

- Footapoo

- Bach A Lacha Doo Choo

- Sweet Patooka

- Fordozia

- Wapoopinch

- Bobba Loopa Doo

- Ba La La

- Va Roopda Loopda

- Fish Iosis

- Ponka

- Ooga Booga Boo

- Ba Lacha Gnu

- Baboonza

- Pooka

- Poomp Da Da Roo Doo

- Sadaunka

Goddamn I miss him . . .

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