Some new work for your optical nerves:
"Deluxe Divining Rod"
Pretty wild stuff, actually, that a stick can help one find H2O.
"Popcorn Heart (for K)"
This was an actual piece o' popcorn from a batch of Kelly's late night snacks. Can't really take credit for anything more than jus' gluin' the thang onto foamcore.
"White-Capped Aquarium"
You actually can't even see the whitecaps . . . just take my word for it. Kinda proud o' this one.
"A Relatively Useless Basket (Skalski)"
A commissioned piece, of sorts for an old high school buddy and his lovely wife.
They also like my pickles.
"A Relatively Useless Basket"
A series, no two are the same.
"A Relatively Useless Basket (Mini)"
Smaller version.
My gift to you. You're welcome.
ectowournge (n) [êk'-tō-wærnj]: the outer surface of a used crustacean.
Example: "The beach was rife with crab ectowournge after Monty's beach party."
phlornge (v) [flörnj]: flapping one's legs as though they are wings.
Example: "Bob's wife loved to phlornge with the neighbor's dog, Effie."
ournge (v) [ørnj]: the intentional eating of an orange peel.
Example: "The whole 6th grade class at Wenchestrick middle school dared Darren to ournge the whole crate."
dystopiornge (adj) [dù-stōp'-ē-örnj]: a hellish orchard.
Example: "The back 40 had a dystopiornge odor, not unlike Stella's inner pant leg.
borange (adv) [bõrnj]: the quality of being a lackluster citrus.
Example: "Tommy ate the fruit with a borange-like attitude."